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How the Cartier Crash Became a Million Dollar Watch

Rescapement does video for the first time; give our first YouTube video a watch

I’ve wanted to do YouTube videos for a while. But the truth is: they’re hard.

So here’s my first effort. It’s on a subject I know and love: the Cartier Crash. After Loupe This auctioned an original London Crash for $1.5 million in May 2022, I thought it was time to tell the story of the watch.

I hope to do more with video in the coming months — reviews (of my watches and press watches),1 histories like this video, and tons more. There’s not much original footage for this video; to be honest, this is me learning how to make, edit, and produce videos. But I think the result is pretty good for a first go.

Give it a view, please subscribe to the Rescapement YouTube channel, and let me know what videos I should make next!